Webinars-Surgical anatomy of orbit

A hands on course on cadaver, on the approaches to orbitotomy, orbital decompression, and peri ocular flap and reconstruction. This is a customized course, where each participant learns a procedure as per their requirements.

About The Course

Learning Objective: To gain skills in the complex areas of orbital surgery and peri ocular flaps and reconstruction

Learning Methodology:
Group tutorials on the relevant anatomy and evaluation of orbital imaging will be held. Customized, hands on, one-on-one training on cadaver. Each candidate chooses the particular technique s/he is interested in. The appropriate surgical technique is demonstrated. The relevant anatomy is demonstrated through dissection. As appropriate, the candidates use of surgical instruments and mechanized drill.

Learning Outcome:
Gaining insight into the complex anatomy of the orbit and peri ocular tissues. Learning the incision, dissection, surgical steps of specific orbital and peri-ocular surgical techniques. At the end of the training, candidates are familiar with the approach as well as the potential precautions needed for the surgery.


• Orbitotomy approaches – medial, lateral, swinging eyelid

• Orbital decompression for thyroid orbitopathy

• Median forehead flap

• Frontalis advancement flap

Course Topics/Modules